The Blessing of Peace | Hestina’s Jewels

I know what you’re thinking “peace is a blessing?” It certainly is. Here’s how.

You ever have one of those days where wrong was the only right that happened in your day? The kind of day that made you rethink why you had children, started school, took on a new project, or volunteered to help on that assignment. We’ve all been there—some of us longer than others—but when those moments subside and all goes back to being calmer—more tranquil? Whew!

Doesn’t it feel like being wrapped in a warm blanket fresh out the dryer on a frigid day? Can you picture that deep exhale? That collective sigh of release with a sprinkle of relaxation and ease? That’s peace. That’s the blessing. And you know what? We’re happier for it.

Psalm 29:11

The absence of agitation or discord. Rest. Safety.

And that’s not all. Peace in this passage denotes completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, as well as the absence of agitation or discord.

I don’t know about you, but this type of peace seems like the kind of thing we all need. It sounds like the kind of thing that would be a blessing to a weary soul. Like a fresh wind on a stale day. Wouldn’t you agree?

Blessings & love

Hestina’s Jewels

Spirit of Refreshing | Hestina’s Jewels

Praise The Lord All You Great People!

The dictionary defines refreshing as “having the power to restore freshness, vitality, or energy.”

Isn’t that just what the Father longs to do for us? To bring refreshing to our souls and spirits? To restore our empty wells filling us with energy, wisdom, faith and peace?

Acts 3:20 (ESV)  tells us that “Times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus.”

Refreshing comes from the presence of the Lord! Beautiful ones, in these times of uncertainty, pain, anguish and sheer weariness, we can be find comfort and refreshing in the presence of the Lord. You can trust Him to renew your energy, your hope and your life. Join me in the Spirit of Refreshing Confession:

My spirit has been refreshed. I thank the Lord that all displeasure is dismissed out of my life. I am a person who obeys God’s word. I have confidence in the word of God for my life.I am refreshed, strengthened, and blessed. I have a peaceful spirit.I am united with the Body of Christ. I make a covenant with my family, friends, church, and community to help them reach their destiny in life. I, thank You Sweet Lord for the spirit of refreshing.

“Therefore we are relieved and comforted and encouraged [at the result]. And in addition to our own [personal] consolation, we were especially delighted at the joy of Titus, because you have all set his mind at rest, soothing and refreshing his spirit. 2 Corinthians 7:13 (AMPC) 

Blessing & Love, from my heart to yours!♥️

Hestina’s Jewels