Created for Glory | Hestina’s Jewels

Today’s Word: Isaiah 43:7 (AMP) Even everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory, whom I have formed, whom I have made.

God created you to put His goodness and truth, and beauty and wisdom, and justice on display. He made you to magnify His greatness!

Isaiah reminds us that we–you–are created for the glory of God. When we revel in His glory, when we return to Him what is due…

Then shall your light break forth like the morning, and your healing (your restoration and the power of a new life) shall spring forth speedily; your righteousness (your rightness, your justice, and your right relationship with God) shall go before you [conducting you to peace and prosperity], and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Isaiah 58:8 (AMPC)

Blessings & Love From My Heart To Yours,

Hestina’s Jewels

Building Strong Faith | Hestina’s Jewels

Praise the Lord Beautiful Ones!

Today’s Jewel:  Strengthen your spiritual muscles to build strong faith.

Beautiful ones, when you exercise your faith – applying it fully to your life – you strengthen your spiritual muscles and strong spiritual muscles produce strong faith.

Did you know that one of the ways to build stronger, bigger muscles in the human body is to “continually challenge the muscle to deal with higher levels of resistance?” The spiritual body is no different in that sometimes, the hard things we overcome are the very things that shape us – that help to strengthen us.

Strong faith anchors you. It fortifies your ability to withstand life’s challenges and thrive despite them. Hurdles, emotional trauma, worry, and disappointments will come. The good news is they don’t have to stop you from operating in your full potential, living your purpose, or enjoying a joy-rich life. It all starts with strong faith.

Always remember, faith is…

  •  A choice
  •  A step of obedience
  •  A spiritual exercise
  •  Taking God at His Word
  •  Saying yes to God
  •  Looking to Jesus for everything
  •  Knowing you are never without hope
  •  A gift from God.
  •  Knowing that everything will work out
  •  The road to peace
And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. Hebrews 11:6

Beautiful Ones, strong faith is a choice. Make the decision to be a person of strong faith today!

Blessing & love from my heart to yours,♥️

Hestina’s Jewels

The Blessing of Peace | Hestina’s Jewels

I know what you’re thinking “peace is a blessing?” It certainly is. Here’s how.

You ever have one of those days where wrong was the only right that happened in your day? The kind of day that made you rethink why you had children, started school, took on a new project, or volunteered to help on that assignment. We’ve all been there—some of us longer than others—but when those moments subside and all goes back to being calmer—more tranquil? Whew!

Doesn’t it feel like being wrapped in a warm blanket fresh out the dryer on a frigid day? Can you picture that deep exhale? That collective sigh of release with a sprinkle of relaxation and ease? That’s peace. That’s the blessing. And you know what? We’re happier for it.

Psalm 29:11

The absence of agitation or discord. Rest. Safety.

And that’s not all. Peace in this passage denotes completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, as well as the absence of agitation or discord.

I don’t know about you, but this type of peace seems like the kind of thing we all need. It sounds like the kind of thing that would be a blessing to a weary soul. Like a fresh wind on a stale day. Wouldn’t you agree?

Blessings & love

Hestina’s Jewels

7 Declarations that Speak Life and Create Hope

Praise the Lord!

Yes you can. Yes you will. Yes, you are enough.

Sometimes, we need a gentle nudge or tap, a reminder, that we are forever connected to God’s love. We are made in the very image of that love—a love that is everlasting and unfailing. And as image bearers, it’s important that we speak from a place steeped in love, gentleness, acceptance and truth, not solely for others, but also for ourselves.

It’s important that we speak life, encouragement and declarations that reaffirm what we already know: God is able to do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us. Ephesians 3:20

Beautiful Ones, our words have power. Let’s use them to build us up, not tear us down. These seven declarations can help.

7 Declarations that Speak Life

  • I declare God’s blessings over my life. His abundance is all around me.
  • I declare that I will have a great week.
  • I declare I will enjoy life, and that more abundantly, with family and friends.
  • I declare that me and my family’s week be filled with love, peace, joy, and rest. 
  • I declare that God will give me the desires of my heart.
  • I declare that God will make all my plans successful.
  • I declare good health and inner healing for me and my family. 

Remember, in Jesus you will always win in life!!

Blessings & Love!

Hestina’s Jewels

Five Declarations to Bless Your Life | Hestina’s Jewels

Praise the Lord Beautiful Ones!

The dictionary defines the word bless this way, “to pronounce words in a religious rite, to confer or invoke divine favor upon; to ask God to look favorably on someone or something.” That’s right. We can invoke God’s blessing and favor in our lives by simply asking Him, by declaring affirmations that align with God’s word and His promises to each of us.

Let’s say these aloud together:

I declare God’s blessings over my life. I am blessed beyond measure and favored by God. I rest confidently knowing that regardless of what my circumstances look like now, my latter days will be greater than my former days.

I declare restoration and healing are at work within me. Because I am healing through past pains and disappointments, I can release old offenses. I can enjoy renewed and healthy connections with my family and friends.

I declare that God will give me the desires of my heart. I align with God’s abundance, supernatural provision, and direction for my life. As I trust God, I enlarge my faith, knowing that no good thing will be withheld from me.

I declare that God will make all my plans successful. Trusting in the Lord means I will not be put to shame. It means that with God ordering my steps, success is imminent. I deserve to experience the best that God has for me.

I declare good health and soul-wellness is for me. I take care of my body, rest when tired, and eat foods that nourish me. I make time for prayer. I make time to have fun. I make time for myself.

May these affirmations release blessings and joy in your life!

Blessings & love from my heart to yours,

Hestina’s Jewels

A Cheerful Heart | Hestina’s Jewels

Beautiful Ones, is your heart full of cheer?

Today’s Word: Keep a cheerful heart!

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength. Proverbs 17:22 (NLT)

That’s a full word right there! Beautiful Ones, we know that life, ministry, work and the hurdles that come with daily living can be challenging. But even in the midst of all of those challenges, things can also remarkably rewarding. I’ve learned that rejoicing is one of life’s greatest antidotes for worry and anxiousness. Rejoicing revives the heart and helps to carry you through stressful times.

If you suspect you might be suffering from a lack of cheer, let me encourage you to look for ways to laugh more. Laughter is underrated and often overlooked as a legitimate way to nurture our souls and fill our hearts and minds with cheer. It is one of the many facets of rejoicing and is just what the Great Physician has prescribed to improve our health and bring joy back into your lives.

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24 (ESV)

Rejoicing is intentional, it’s a deliberate choice rooted in our refusal to allow anyone or anything to overturn it. It’s like a gentle armor for the heart that brings with it gladness and cheerfulness. It reminds us that gladness is always within our grasp. And because of that we choose to keep cheer in our heart.

Blessing & Love From My Heart To Yours,

Hestina’s Jewels


10 Affirmations to Start Your Day With Hope: You Are More Than Your Mistakes

Blessings All You Wonderful People!

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control] – 2 Timothy 1:7 (AMP)

Can I share something with you? I mean really be honest? Listen very carefully: you are more than your mistakes!

You may have messed up more times than you can count, we all have. But if the only smart decision you ever made was to give your life to the Lord, you are doing great!

You were smart enough to make such a life-changing decision. Now, I want you to focus–feed your faith by focusing on what is good and not the bad. Take time to look at and celebrate what you’ve done right. Don’t just focus on how you’ve stumbled. Let joy rise in your heart. Learning to be who God called you to be is a lifelong process. Be encouraged. You are still evolving, growing and learning.

Say this with me…

I gave my life to the LORD and that makes me one smart person!

I am forgiven for every wrong decision I’ve made.

I receive God’s love, His mercy and His grace.

I am moving forward and I am made stronger and wiser from every wrong decision.

God is increasing me in wisdom and in stature.

I am increasing in favor with God and with man.

I declare and decree I have soundness of mind and the ability to make sound decisions, not fear-based, emotional, or impulsive decisions. But sound decisions that please God.

I’m not stupid! I’m not crazy! I’m not an underachiever!

I’m an overcomer through Jesus Christ!

I love God’s word and I declare I walk in His wisdom and His grace! Glory to God!

Blessings & Love ❤️